I'm Back!!! Interview with Henry Herz
Helloooooo Beautiful peoples!!! I know it's been a while. Please forgive me. I have been on
the road traveling and doing a lot of speaking these days. I 'am just now coming back from the
SCBWI conference in beautiful downtown L.A. It was tremendous!! I got to meet many of my
most favorite peoples! Okay so there was the awesome and fantastic Judy Blume and the very
talented Peter Brown and Tammi Sauer. Then to top it all off my good friend Kwame Alexander and Sean Quails We had such an awesome time. I also got to meet some fantastic people that
I have had the pleasure of blogging with for many years. Herny Herz is a wonderful writer of children's books and he asked me to do an interview for his blog. Here is that wonderful
interview with him. Check it out. I will be sharing lots of pictures from the conference
as well. Gonna get you all caught up! https://henryherz.wordpress.com/2017/07/21/interview-with-authorillustrator-vanessa-brantley-newton/