Colorful People
On my lunch breaks in February I will be doing little shows of my artwork during my meditation time. I often listen to gospel music, but I am very much into hip-hop. Old School. Common and his friends have created a new album called A Beautiful Revolution part one. I listen to it often, but there is one part I listen to over and over again and it is a poem by Poet and Spokenword artist Jessica Care Moore. At times I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes and the warmness in my heart and soul as I listen to her words. Honestly, this little Zine was birthed while meditating in the a.m. And I just wanted to share it with you. Black history is every day for me. I am thankful for the ones who came before the ancestors who shed blood sweat and tears for all of We to be here. I honor you all. #blackhistorymonth#colorfulpeople#heartofjoy#common#abeautifulrevolution#jessicacaremoore#inspriation#handswegotoworkwith